Membership Information

** Membership Application Update **

Beginning in 2016 OBH no longer accepts online payments for dual NFAA and OBH membership. Dual memberships are now processed through the NFAA website. You may still postal mail a dual membership to OBH, however, this method will cause you a significant delay in receiving your membership credentials.

About Membership Benefits
  • Oregon Bow Hunters official membership card & OBH decal.
  • You will be eligible for participation in the Annual Game Awards contest.
  • You will be eligible for awards at any of the OBH state shooting tournaments (must be NFAA member too).
  • An opportunity to help develop and support the future of archery and bow hunting in Oregon through a unified voice.
Membership Costs - OBH
  • Individual membership is only $30.00 per year
  • Youth membership (not in a family, under 18 years of age, magazine not included) is $10
  • Family membership is only $40.00 per year
  • Lifetime individual membership is $400.00 (one time) and includes a beautiful OBH Members Jacket *
  • Lifetime family membership is $450.00 (one time) and includes a beautiful OBH Members Jacket *
Note: You may upgrade to the All Seasons Jacket for an extra $16.25 (Small to X-Large). For XX-Large and bigger add $20.00. See examples of both jackets at the merchandise link.
Membership Costs - NFAA plus OBH (dual membership)
  • Individual membership is only $70.00 per year
  • Family membership is only $90.00 per year (Includes individual, plus spouse, plus dependents under 18 years of age)
  • Additional family members for NFAA (under 18 yeas old) please add $5.00 each
  • Lifetime membership is only $800 (does not include OBH membership fee)
  • For additional membership options please see the NFAA website.
What is NFAA?

The National Field Archery Association (NFAA) is an organization that lobbies to protect your archery hunting rights on a national basis. We would like to highly recommend that you consider joining this organization in addition to OBH. The NFAA is governed by the individual State Associations. The NFAA State Directors meet to make the decisions that will govern the NFAA. They vote on issues ranging from membership fees and tournament locations to styles of competition and allowable equipment. They have the responsibility to review programs and policies and make decisions based on the betterment of our sport. If you would like more information on the NFAA please click here.

Hunt Hard, Fight Hard

Individuals and Families Join NOW!

There are 3 ways to join:

  1. NFAA plus OBH online membership application. If you wish to join both organizations and pay online please go to this link at the NFAA website. When you signup for an NFAA membership they will forward your OBH membership information to Oregon Bow Hunters. NFAA Membership Link
  2. NFAA plus OBH mail-in form. Click Link Here (note, this method will significantly delay your membership processing.)
  3. OBH only, online membership application. Click Here for the Online Application. You must mail a check to complete your application.

Thank you for your interest and membership!

Chartered Club Membership Cost

Club membership is $25 per year for OBH and $25 for NFAA. In addition, each club must have a minimum of five (5) adult head of household members who belong to OBH..

Club Charter Application (with NFAA)

This is a form and payment method at the NFAA website. Please have a credit card available for payment.

Club Charter Application (without NFAA)

This application is without NFAA membership and needs to be printed and mailed along with your check.

Archery Pro Shops, Indoor & Commercial Lanes Cost

With or without NFAA membership, a shop owner or manager must have a current OBH membership.

Pro Shop Charter (with NFAA)

You must print this form and mail to the address as indicated. Please remember to add the $25 OBH fee to the form where indicated.

State copy is to be mailed to:

Oregon Bow Hunters
61535 S. Hwy 97, Suite 5-307
Bend, OR 97702

NFAA copy is mailed to:

National Field Archery Association
800 Archery Lane
Yankton, SD 57078

Pro Shop Charter Application (without NFAA)

Club membership is $25 per year. In addition, the shop owner or manager must be an OBH member.

You may print out the application, complete it and mail it in to us. We will contact you if we have any questions!

2025 OBH Tournament Calendar

February 7th thru 9th

1st Leg of the State Triple Crown
Hosted at: Willamette Sportsman Show
Albany, OR

June 21st & 22nd

2nd Leg of the State Triple Crown
Hosted by Cascadian Bowmen
Noti, OR

July 12th & 13th

3rd Leg of the State Triple Crown
Hosted by Grand Ronde Bowmen
La Grande, OR