What's New!


Results for the State 3-D & Triple Crown

Are now posted at the tournament results link


Board & Officer Positions that need filling!

This organization is only as strong as the leadership. Currently we have a few people doing all the work. This is not a sustainable way run OBH. We need help. Please consider helping fill one of these positions:

  • Secretary
  • Vice President of Tournaments
  • Vice President of Hunting Games
  • District Committeemen Positions: Mid West, South West
  • Magazine Editor (Appointed Position)
  • Convention Chair (Appointed Position)

The Job Descriptions for these positions are detailed in the OBH By-Laws.

If you can help or know of someone that can fill a position, please contact John Wainwright: jvwriver04@hotmail.com

 Important Information

We need help!

Currently the OBH Board has vacancy in many of the officer positions.

Link to Board Positions

This organization is run by volunteers. You help is really needed. Bottom line is this. If all the positions can get filled with people who are committed to fulfilling the duties of their job, it makes the work so much easier for everyone. Right now there are just a few people trying to dedicate the time to do all the work.

Please Consider Helping!

Need Newsletter Editor

As you all are aware we have been unable to find someone to fill the Magazine Editor position. In this absence we are looking for someone to publish a quarterly newsletter. If you can help please contact John, see email below.


If you or you know of someone that can help us, please contact John Wainwright at: jvwriver04@hotmail.com

Great Gift Idea!

Looking for that small or Holiday gift idea....? How about giving an OBH membership!
Please check out the new membership gift certificate located at the link below....

Membership Gift Certificate Click Here

2024 OBH Tournament Calendar

February 9th thru 11th

1st Leg of the State Triple Crown
Hosted at: Willamette Sportsman Show
Albany, OR

June 22nd & 23rd

2nd Leg of the State Triple Crown
Hosted by Sylvan Archers
Sherwood, OR

July 20th & 21st

3rd Leg of the State Triple Crown
Hosted by Cascadian Bowmen
Noti, OR